Each letter of the alphabet is a steadfast loyal soldier in a great army of words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. One letter falls, and the entire language falters. - Vera Nazarian

Several sheets of broken glass covered with years of dust and dirt. It can’t get prettier than this.
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” - Elliott Erwitt

It took decades for this broken windshield to develop this beautiful patina.
Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. — Anton Chekhov

What happened here? How did this come about?
“There are more riddles in a stone than in a philosopher's head”. - Damon Knight

This photograph was taken inside Fort Point; that is all I will tell you, the rest is for your imagination.
”We artists allow others to see through our windows.” - Robert Genn

River of Life
I admire the person that carved the River of Life motif into this mission door.
While the river of life glides along smoothly, it remains the same river; only the landscape on either bank seems to change. – Max Muller

How many years have these window frames been sitting here in the elements waiting for me to take this photograph?
”Photography is simply a function of noticing things.” - Elliott Erwitt

Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso

Maybe this window would have created a very good image with the glass being unbroken, but I like the curving piece of broken glass with the white paint on its edge just for that last bit of gesture.
“We live in a world of half-completed things or damaged objects, but I had never articulated to myself that in fact there were times quite often that I preferred the objects that way.”- Navina Haidar

An Onion Scape just before the flowers opened.
How Lovely the silence of growing things. – Evan Dicken

For 8 to 10 years I have walked by this old glove stuck on a stake and always thought it looked interesting. But this day I had to run back home for my camera. I don’t think I should say what it looked like to me on this day, but hopefully you will see something fun and interesting.
“The key is to not let the camera, which depicts nature in so much detail, reveal just what the eye picks up, but what the heart picks up as well.” - Paul Caponigro

I made a few exposures from slightly different angles hoping for the one photo that would bring out the feeling I had when looking at the scene, when this fish photobombed the exposure. Thanks to the fish this is a much more interesting photograph.
“It took me time to understand my water lilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them.”
Claude Monet

While most photographers can’t wait to get to Yosemite or some grand vista, I am quite happy at the city dump. This is an old shipping container splattered with paint, years of dirt and more paint and then this beautiful weed. I could ask for no more.
Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure; where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness. - St. Augustine

The camera does not lie, I have seen dragons in all their wrath.
Come not between the dragon, and his wrath. - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, King Lear

Which was my eye drawn to first; the Mondrianesque stained glass window or the shadows from the overhanging roof tiles? I believe that intuition was at work here saying this is an image you must take home. It is something that happens in a fraction of a second.
"Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them than by the concrete subject of the picture."- Piet Mondrian

I saw this guy at the Amador County Fair and he brought a smile to my face and continues to do so every time I look at this photograph.
“Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious.”
― Oscar Wilde

While other photographers are happy in the grand landscape, finding something like this old glove makes my heart race. I found this glove so wonderful, that I brought it home; I hope someone won’t miss it.
“Art and life are subjective. Not everybody's gonna dig what I dig, but I reserve the right to dig it.”
― Whoopi Goldberg

When I photographed this window it was the broken leaning piece of glass that caught my eye, but on further viewing, I saw the profile of a person wearing a baseball cap.
If you look very intensely and slowly, things will happen that you never dreamed of before. – Aaron Siskind

Finding this old broken window was such a delight that I lost myself for some time while I tried to find the best gesture.
“Leaving aside the mysteries and the inequities of human talent, brains, taste, and reputations, the matter of art in photography may come down to this: it is the capture and projection of the delights of seeing; it is the defining of observation full and felt.” – Walker Evans

A straight print of a rock formation, just dodging and burning and contrast adjustment. I see no need for fancy software to distort reality, when nature is far more creative than any artist has ever been.
“You don’t have to sort of enhance reality. There is nothing stranger than truth.” – Annie Leibovitz

When I photograph something I usually have pretty good idea in my mind of what I am after in a final image. But on occasion I can be very surprised. The wall and window in front of me held an air of mystery for me and I was very surprised and pleased at the outcome.
Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That and surprise. – Julia Cameron

You just have to wonder why the two windows have the drapes closed.
“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” - Thoreau

Each letter of the alphabet is a steadfast loyal soldier in a great army of words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. One letter falls, and the entire language falters. - Vera Nazarian
Several sheets of broken glass covered with years of dust and dirt. It can’t get prettier than this.
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” - Elliott Erwitt
It took decades for this broken windshield to develop this beautiful patina.
Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. — Anton Chekhov
What happened here? How did this come about?
“There are more riddles in a stone than in a philosopher's head”. - Damon Knight
This photograph was taken inside Fort Point; that is all I will tell you, the rest is for your imagination.
”We artists allow others to see through our windows.” - Robert Genn
River of Life
I admire the person that carved the River of Life motif into this mission door.
While the river of life glides along smoothly, it remains the same river; only the landscape on either bank seems to change. – Max Muller
How many years have these window frames been sitting here in the elements waiting for me to take this photograph?
”Photography is simply a function of noticing things.” - Elliott Erwitt
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Maybe this window would have created a very good image with the glass being unbroken, but I like the curving piece of broken glass with the white paint on its edge just for that last bit of gesture.
“We live in a world of half-completed things or damaged objects, but I had never articulated to myself that in fact there were times quite often that I preferred the objects that way.”- Navina Haidar
An Onion Scape just before the flowers opened.
How Lovely the silence of growing things. – Evan Dicken
For 8 to 10 years I have walked by this old glove stuck on a stake and always thought it looked interesting. But this day I had to run back home for my camera. I don’t think I should say what it looked like to me on this day, but hopefully you will see something fun and interesting.
“The key is to not let the camera, which depicts nature in so much detail, reveal just what the eye picks up, but what the heart picks up as well.” - Paul Caponigro
I made a few exposures from slightly different angles hoping for the one photo that would bring out the feeling I had when looking at the scene, when this fish photobombed the exposure. Thanks to the fish this is a much more interesting photograph.
“It took me time to understand my water lilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them.”
Claude Monet
While most photographers can’t wait to get to Yosemite or some grand vista, I am quite happy at the city dump. This is an old shipping container splattered with paint, years of dirt and more paint and then this beautiful weed. I could ask for no more.
Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure; where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness. - St. Augustine
The camera does not lie, I have seen dragons in all their wrath.
Come not between the dragon, and his wrath. - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, King Lear
Which was my eye drawn to first; the Mondrianesque stained glass window or the shadows from the overhanging roof tiles? I believe that intuition was at work here saying this is an image you must take home. It is something that happens in a fraction of a second.
"Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them than by the concrete subject of the picture."- Piet Mondrian
I saw this guy at the Amador County Fair and he brought a smile to my face and continues to do so every time I look at this photograph.
“Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious.”
― Oscar Wilde
While other photographers are happy in the grand landscape, finding something like this old glove makes my heart race. I found this glove so wonderful, that I brought it home; I hope someone won’t miss it.
“Art and life are subjective. Not everybody's gonna dig what I dig, but I reserve the right to dig it.”
― Whoopi Goldberg
When I photographed this window it was the broken leaning piece of glass that caught my eye, but on further viewing, I saw the profile of a person wearing a baseball cap.
If you look very intensely and slowly, things will happen that you never dreamed of before. – Aaron Siskind
Finding this old broken window was such a delight that I lost myself for some time while I tried to find the best gesture.
“Leaving aside the mysteries and the inequities of human talent, brains, taste, and reputations, the matter of art in photography may come down to this: it is the capture and projection of the delights of seeing; it is the defining of observation full and felt.” – Walker Evans
A straight print of a rock formation, just dodging and burning and contrast adjustment. I see no need for fancy software to distort reality, when nature is far more creative than any artist has ever been.
“You don’t have to sort of enhance reality. There is nothing stranger than truth.” – Annie Leibovitz
When I photograph something I usually have pretty good idea in my mind of what I am after in a final image. But on occasion I can be very surprised. The wall and window in front of me held an air of mystery for me and I was very surprised and pleased at the outcome.
Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That and surprise. – Julia Cameron
You just have to wonder why the two windows have the drapes closed.
“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” - Thoreau